How to Maintain Vivid Hair

Bright, vivid- multidimensional colors are my favorite to create.They are however the hardest to maintain. Why is this? Normally to achieve the brighter tones such as blues, greens, icy blonde, gorgeous reds and pinks the hair needs to be lightened heavily. The lightening process removes all artificial and natural pigments from the hair strands. This can potentially leave the hair feeling dry or brittle if not done properly, or if the right home care regime is not in place.  It is imperative to shampoo the hair with cool to cold water. This helps to not swell the cuticle, causing bleeding of colors or excessive fading. Hot water will cause the colors to fade prematurely. Another important home care tip: deep conditioners with bond building technology. During the lightening process bonds are broken in the hair, don’t worry this is completely normal. However we do want the bonds to be strong and resilient so that the color will stick to the cortex and cuticles.  Try purchasing a mid-range deep conditioning treatment or mask and applying once a week for up to 15 minutes at a time – and remember to always rinse with cool/cold water to keep that vibrant hair looking fresh and fabulous!

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(585) 704-9793
(585) 244-3324 [email protected]
MB Studio
1344 University Ave
Rochester, NY 14607